Chuck’s Guest Stars

What’s new for the guest stars of Chuck

26 Responses to Chuck’s Guest Stars

  1. Michael Strahan, aka Mitt from the Mighty Jocks in Chuck vs the Break-Up, was selected for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It was his second year on the ballot. Strahan is 5th all-time in sacks and holds the single season record.

    Jerome Bettis, aka Jimmy Butterman from Chuck vs the Third Dimension, made the first cut down to 10 finalists, but did not make the final cut to five. It’s his 4th time on the ballot. Bettis is sixth all-time in career rushing and is the only eligible rusher in the top 14 career that is not in the Hall.

    So either defense is more valued than a run game that can push it into the end zone, or Strahan’s Fox analysis and co-hosting work with Kelly Rippa on Live! is more recognized than Bettis’s analysis on ESPN.

    • atcDave says:

      Yeah I’m a little surprised looking at who all did make it, I would have guessed Bettis would have had better name recognition than most of them. But presumably most of those voting actually follow football…

      • It sounds like Pro Football HoF voting has a completely different set of problems than Baseball HoF voting (where 16 people thought Greg Maddux wasn’t a first ballot Hall of Famer. I’m a Cardinal fan who rooted against Maddux’s teams, and even I think he should be been unanimous.)

        Football has 46 voters that listen to presentations on behalf of candidates.

        The one knock I can see against Bettis is his sub-4 yards per carry average, but a lot of that was because of 1 and 2 yard end-zone runs. Another is he never led the league in rushing. He did win a Walter Payton Man of the Year award, so character is not an issue. Then again, baseball writers care more about that.

  2. Ernie Davis says:

    New role for Papa B.

  3. Ernie Davis says:

    Scott Bakula is now on Twitter, presumably in preparation for NCIS New Orleans.

    Funny how celebrities launching a new show having a twitter account to interact with fans seems almost mandatory now when it was rare when the Chuck fandom was utilizing it. Just another way Chuck was at the forefront.

    • DKD says:

      Yeah, TV networks have full “social media” strategies and plans now. I wonder if it is now in actors’ contracts.

  4. uplink2 says:

    I guess this qualifies as a Guest Star but Yvonne’s ex-boyfriend Tim Loden, the Polish Rocker of Honeymooners fame, is shooting the pilot for his series Bloodlines that he is staring in and producing. He has been Tweeting set pics along with another actor/producer Dylan Ramsey who was recently on NCIS LA. Best of luck to him. He has another web series in post production as well Vantastic.

  5. Chlojack says:

    Brandon Routh will be playing a superhero again the the upcoming season of Arrow:

    Arrow Targets Brandon Routh to Play Major DC Comics Superhero in Season 3

  6. Chojack says:

    A few Chuck guest stars received Emmy nominations today:

    Matt Bomer, Best Supporting Actor in a Miniseries for The Normal Heart
    Tony Hale, Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for Veep
    Gary Cole, Best Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for Veep

  7. Sarah’s sister, Molly, played by Rachel Eggleston, was the princess on tonight’s episode of Castle 7.04, Child’s Play.

    • atcDave says:

      I was impressed when my wife recognized her right away. I’m normally the one saying “that guy was on Chuck…” But she beat me to it this time!

  8. atcDave says:

    Just saw Magnificent 7, no review here. But, found some satisfaction in seeing Bryce Larkin blown away before the opening credits.

    • Ernie Davis says:

      Kind of like in the pilot of Chuck.

      Just an FYI since I’m posting, TV By The Numbers still hasn’t kicked it’s habit of writing about Chuck to pad it’s hits. Chuck and it’s ratings features prominently in a piece about the new TV math.

      • atcDave says:

        This time he doesn’t come back.

      • Ernie Davis says:

        Now where’s the fun in only getting to kill him once.

        JK, I actually kind of liked the character. But then I also thought Shaw worked once they got over the confusing morass and just made him a straight up Bat S#!t crazy villain.

      • atcDave says:

        I didn’t “hate” Bryce, but I was always always happy to see him loose.
        It did make me chuckle getting a death scene and then seeing his name in the opening credits. Well not anymore…

      • anthropocene says:

        They seem to be implying that Chuck lowered the bar….

      • atcDave says:

        Its just that the industry has changed.

      • Ernie Davis says:

        I think it is more that Chuck was a show whose run spanned a major change in TV viewing in the wake of the writer’s strike. What was seen at the time as a perpetual bubble show was in reality just following the trend of all broadcast network TV.

  9. Ernie Davis says:

    It finally dawned on me where I’d seen her. The her being the devil’s sidekick Mazikeen on Lucifer. She was Fatima Tazi in Chuck Versus The Seduction Impossible.

    In an additional Chuck twist Agent Alex Forrest has just joined the cast of Lucifer.

  10. Anybody know why Netflix is dropping fan favorite stuff with so much frequency lately? CHUCK (Nov 4) is yet another victim…what the (bleep) is going on?

    • Ernie Davis says:

      Netflix regularly rotates older content out and new content in. It’s part of their business model to keep the inventory constantly changing. Chuck will probably be back in a year or two depending on how rapidly they rotate shows. It could also be that someone else wanted the rights for Chuck’s 5th year anniversary from the end, and 10th from it’s premier.

  11. Ernie Davis says:

    Justin Hartley, who played Wesley Sneijder (the unfortunate younger brother of Karl Sneijder) in “Chuck Versus The Bearded Bandit” is one of the leads in the new NBC hit “This Is Us”. A show I highly recommend, as it seems that rarest of things, both a critical and ratings success.

  12. mr2686 forever says:

    Katrina Law is now a regular on Hawaii 5-0. She played bad girl Alexis in Chuck VS The Beefcake.
    “Everyone Talks”.

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